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LOGO - Creating an image of a Company

LOGO - Creating an image of a Company

Advertising banners, TV spots, extended web pages, etc. - all of this is very important if we are looking for effective promotion of our services or products. However, it is also worth thinking about the basics - if our brand is to be recognizable, you have to think in advance about the visual identity. The visual identity consists of company colours, logo, name, advertising materials, etc.

The company logo is especially important, it should be consistent with the nature of the enterprise and at the same time as easy as possible to remember. Do not forget that the logo will end up on the business cards, forms, shirts, pens and other promotional products of our company. Designing a logo that will have a suggestive message is not an easy task. The logo design is useful in marketing, psychology and, of course, printing techniques.

A good logo should be as simple as possible. Why? The less information a graphic presents, the faster it is memorized by the human brain. And that's what we mean when we commission a corporate logo design. As the practice shows, the best solution is to use characters based on simple geometric figures, such as a square or a circle. The logo must be as transparent as possible. The idea is that, regardless of the size and the technique used, it presents itself in the right way. For example, in the increasingly used screen printing technology, printing small items is not the easiest.

The logo design should also be suitable for printing in one colour - usually black. It is worth mentioning that the logo is not an illustration, it is rather a symbol, which is to define a given company, to express an idea. The logo should be designed so that even people who have not seen it before can clearly identify whether they are looking at the symbol of a bank, a computer company, or a clothing store, etc. It is all the more important that a logo well matched to your business profile is easier to be remembered.

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